The strict significance of Black Magic is to cause something to show up in a structure other than its genuine one. Wizardry happens when a Magician, Sorcerer, Soothsayer, and so forth causes misrepresentation to have all the earmarks of being valid or causes something to show up diversely to individuals other than its actual structure. The specialized importance of black magic is anything of which the reason is covered up and which shows up in a structure other than its genuine one to misshape the truth of things and mislead. There has been a colossal contrast of assessment among the researchers as a result of its inclination so the definitions shift broadly. In any case, dark sorcery is anything that the reason for which is covered up and which shows up in a structure other than its genuine one to misshape the truth of things and trick. Ruqya Treatment in Kerala There has been a wide distinction of assessment among the researchers of fiqh, law specialists, and differ...