Magic (Sehr) is a false satanic practice that has been going on since ancient times i.e. the time of Moses (peace be upon him) or even earlier, which took the form of a regular business among the people during the reign of Solomon (peace be upon him) and the wicked people of the society. These evil acts were done to harm the people. To nullify and break it and distinguish between truth and falsehood, Allah Almighty sent his two angels Harut and Marut in human form as a test to tell people that this magic is a different thing which is false knowledge while Prophetic sciences and teachings are based on divine revelation, which is pure goodness and mercy. Therefore, apart from the prophetic sciences and teachings, do not take the path of disbelief by taking magic which is a false thing, but still, people continued to engage in this false practice and used to harm each other through this magic. Ruqya Treatment in Kerala THE REALITY OF MAGIC IN THE QUR'AN The description o...